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Four Ways to Spruce Up Your Workstation

Posted: 6.14.13
Category: AFR Residential

If you work in a cubical like the other millions of people in this country do, then you have probably noticed that working in a bland, colorless space isn’t much fun. When you have items around you that help create “your” workspace, productivity levels rise and you will find it much easier to focus. The HMU-A02 Workstation from AFR allows both employees and employers to set up shop in a fun, practical, and efficient way. If you are stumped on how to create a space that works for you, take a look at these four ways to spruce up your work world.

  1. Photos of friends and family. Place photos of your kids, your spouse, your friends, or your favorite vacation spot around your cubical. If you are able to see the people you care about on a daily basis, even if it’s only through photos, your cubical becomes “yours”.
  2. Use color. Add splashes of color to your workstation to break up neutral tones. Colors affect moods in different ways. For example, use blue for a calming workstation or a mint green to energize and uplift.
  3. Get a red Swingline stapler. If you remember Milton from “Office Space”, you may just get a laugh every time you look at it, which will boost your mood and help you get through that pile of TPS reports.
  4. Theme your space. Do you love art? Are you the biggest Star Wars fan on the planet? Create a theme in your workspace that showcases what you love to do outside of the office. Not only will you feel for comfortable in your cubical, but you may also start a trend among other co-workers. Cubical competition, anyone?  Don’t over do the decorating though; a little personalization goes a long way and you want the space to remain neat and tidy and not fussy looking.

At AFR, we provide office furniture that helps you and your employees get the most out of your workspace. For more information on the HMU-A02 workstation as well as other cubical and workstation products, visit us at or call your representative at 888-AFR-RENT.

*Photos were used from a variety of different free public sourced materials for the purpose of "demonstration examples only" and are not meant to infringe on any copyrights if applicable.

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