Page 2 - AFR Elements
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Less is
A properly staged model gives the realtor/manager/leasing agent and the client a basis on
which to have a conversation about the space itself rather than what is in it. Here are a few
important steps that will help you stage a home or model unit to sell:
> First the three most important > Make sure the furniture size
brand, the styles that the particular
considerations - color, light and brand carries may not be the best it and style is appropriate. A huge
low. These three things will go a for models. Your objective is to sell couch or a king size bed or table
long way in helping to create a the space; your partner’s objective that takes up 80% of the room will
well-staged unit. Walk the loor plan may be to sell the furnishings and make the area seem smaller than it
and checkout the layout, the looring, their design services. Conlicts may really is. With the sizes of apartments
colors used, natural light and view arise if goals aren’t commonly aligned.
becoming smaller and smaller,
from the windows. Take note of the consideration for the right size
selling points and the “personality”
> You don’t need a full house.
of furnishings is paramount.
of the space and focus on Less IS more. When a prospective
showcasing them.
buyer/renter walks into a room,
> Know your customer. Keep your
they should notice the light and models updated so that it appeals to
> Make sure that objectives match architectural features like high your current demographic. Knowing
when hiring a staging partner.
ceilings, beautiful wood loors, crown your customer is integral to success.
For example, if the designer has
moldings or great views rather than
a contract with a certain store or
the furnishings and accessories.