Page 3 - AFR Elements
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How to create an
attractive centerpiece for a
dining or cocktail table
hile the food and company are
during the meal, or will it be removed? Will there be many
food items and glassware etc. on the table alongside the
often the deining features of a dining
centerpiece, or is the table simply there for guests to set their
experience, the atmosphere is certainly drink on? Perhaps you have another plan for the centerpiece,
such as repurposing it later in another room, or using it to
inluenced by the furniture and table hold favors for guests to take at the end of the night.
appointments. The centerpiece can
be the eye-catching star of the room, Creativity
A large container can be a versatile centerpiece that you
or it can be more subtle, unifying can easily change according to the season and occasion.
diferent elements of a space or simply An attractive glass bowl, for example, can display shells,
loating candles and lowers, interesting seed pods, colored
complementing a look. Whether you eggs – you are limited only by your imagination. Or consider
grouping items together. These do not have to be identical;
are decorating for everyday needs
vases or candles of difering heights or materials can add
or planning the table for a party, the dimension and interest to a table. Group your items in threes
or ives for a balanced look. How much you have to spend
following considerations will help you
naturally plays a large role in the choice of centerpiece. Will
design an attractive table centerpiece.
you be purchasing items especially, or will you use what
is already on hand? For a more economical variation on
fresh lowers, use seasonal blooms, place individual lowers
sparingly among generous foliage, or use potted lowers.
Is the room’s décor luxurious or casual, classical or modern? Enhance existing containers by wrapping them in oversized
Is there a particular theme or decorative concept, such as an leaves, fabric or colored paper and securing with ribbon.
Asian theme, rustic or all-white? What kind of materials and Fruits and vegetables can be efective and budget-friendly.
colors would suit this best: for example silver and crystal; Fill a glass vase with carrots or cut citrus fruit, tie asparagus
terracotta and woven baskets; or stainless steel and glass? spears around pillar candles, or make a container by
Perhaps there are already some details in the room you wish hollowing out a large fruit or vegetable.
to complement or highlight. For example, a red stripe in the
curtains can be optically enhanced by a vase of red roses. Or People often search for hours for a picture of just the right
complement a jute rug with an arrangement of tall grasses. centerpiece to recreate for their table. But by thinking about
Think about texture and contrast. A plain table can be pepped the environment and function of the centerpiece, and
up with intricate patterns in the centerpiece, while a visually employing a little creativity, you can easily come up with your
busy space can be calmed with a sleek, monochromatic focal own design. Above all, keep an open mind and play around
with diferent pieces until you like the result. If the lowers
point in the center.
don’t look right in the tall vase, why not lay them down in
a long container instead? The above points may guide the
direction, but inspiration is all around. Look around the room,
Do you want to create a huge wow-efect as your guests in magazines or on the television. You’ll see ideas pop out
enter the room, or will the table or tables not be the center of everywhere. Don’t be afraid to use them.
attention? Will guests be conversing across the centerpiece
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